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Recreational levels - RCCR Deep diver and RCCR Recreational Mixed Gas Diver. 40m no stop, pre requisite AOW diver or higher.

Rebreathers offer great benefits to sport divers by reducing the limitations of gas.

Combined with O2 optimisation on ascent, making the breathing gas richer and increasing no stop times, CCR make long multi level not stop dives from 40m a reality. With short bailout ascent times, the emphasis of these levels is on unit knowledge, safe unit preparation and diving, loop management and the recognition of unsafe breathing gas.

The ability to make a safe OC bailout ascent up a shot line or on a DSMB is a key skill for the course, with the emphasis also on unit download skills to enable post dive analysis and improvement. More advanced multipart skills are introduced to provide a platform for advancement to Adv Nitrox or ART levels.

You can take the course on either on a JJ, Divesoft Liberty, or Fathom/Gemini! If you would like more information on which one to choose please contact us directly via email to: info@techwise.com.mt

Human Factors in Diving: The essentials

This 3-hour online class is a great starting point to find out why we make mistakes and how we can reduce the likelihood of an accident or adverse event occurring. We dive into decision making, situational awareness, communication and cooperation skills, and crucially, their interdependence. Using case studies and practical exercise, we bring the topic to life. Want to gain a quick but valuable insight? 

Contact us on info@techwise.com.mt for more information.


To enrol onto this course, you will need to pay your deposit in advance so we can register and send you the course materials. You will need the materials to ensure you are prepared to start your training when you arrive at Techwise for your course. If this is what you want to do click DEPOSIT and then the BUY IT NOW button. *The full course price may be subjected to changes due to gas prices*

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